Workshops and Jams, Lannion, Brittany
From July 13th to 17th 2019
(french below)
After the magical success of the first session of « Contact by the sea », the collective L’oeil et la main is happy to offer you to come back to the sea, in Lannion, Brittany. The program is very simple : a mini-series of days to practice doing-nothing in the mornings (hiking, bathing, reading, dancing solo on the coast of Brittany), Contact Improvisation workshops in the afternoon to spice or discover this amazing form of dance, jams in the evenings to freely and collectively experiment with the ingredients of the day. The studio, located 10 minutes from the nearest shore by car, has comfy and elegant wooden floors and belongs to a small community center.

(c) Esther Genicot
Registration here !Times
Afternoon workshops or labs : 4:30pm to 7:30pm
Evening jams : 7:30pm to 10:30pm
Payment of the registration before July 12th 2019 :
Full-on (workshops and jams, all days) : 135€
Day by day (workshop and jam, one day) : 30€
Otherwise, payment at the venue itself (if there is still places):
Full-on (workshops and jams, all days): 150€
Day by day (workshop and jam, one day): 40€
Jam by jam : 4€
Location : Maison de quartier de Servel, 8-12 rue du Calvaire, 22300 Lannion
Facebook page :
To organize yourself, a closed facebook group :
Once you are registered, you can look for other participants to share a place to sleep, a transportation or else… During the event, this will be the place to propose and share programs (dancing at the beach, trails, lunch at the crèperie !!! etc)
Afternoon workshops and labs
Duets of teachers coming from France : Céline Auclair, Romain Bigé, Catherine Kych, Cléo Laigret, Gerry Quévreux, Céline Robineau, Marie Rousseaux and Justine Wojtyniak, who will pair up to propose materials elaborated during the mornings while the participants will practice doing-nothing under the sun of Brittany.
Evening jams
Jams are spaces of free practice allowing every participant to explore freely their way through Contact Improvisation. Through a clear frame, our evening jams will propose spaces for the study and joy of tumbling, rolling, flying and observing the dance.
Céline Auclair is a contemporary dancer. Her practice is fed by various influences : contact-Improvisation, somatic practices, butoh, hypnotic tool.
Romain Bigé (PhD) practices dance and philosophy. A dance improviser curious to bring philosophy in the dance studio, he dedicated his dissertation to Contact Improvisation (Le partage du mouvement, University Paris-Sciences-Lettres, 2017) which led him to curate two exhibitions-performances : Gestes du Contact Improvisation (Musée de la danse, 2018) and Steve Paxton_Drafting Interior Techniques (Culturgest, 2019). He trained in dance in the US and in Europe with Lisa Nelson, Nancy Stark Smith, Charlie Morrissey, Matthieu Gaudeau, and many others. He performed dance and philosophy internationally, with choreographers Boris Charmatz, Myriam Lefkowitz, Chris Aiken. An Ecole Normale supérieure alumnus, holder of the agrégation, he teaches philosophy to a variety of audiences: highschoolers, college students, dancers, somatic practionners. He is currently an associate researcher to the Labodanse (CNRS). He endeavours to prepare the revolution; and awaiting the great day, he rolls on the ground.
Catherine Kych has been dancing for nearly thirty years now. Ballet ‘s been her common thread but, always seeking more freedom spaces to share and play with, she dove into Contact Improvisation in 2007. She got thrilled about this non-normative practice that offers opportunities to meet – first via the touch and movement, then with words – “Others”, and construct as well as deconstruct together the World. Little by little, she got a grasp of different tools to deepen her experiences in both Dancing and Coaching/Supporting: trained in «Dance and Movement Therapy» (including tools of Nonviolent Communication and Perceptive Pedagogy from Danis Bois), qualified in « Dance and Somatic Education » Paris VIII University and trained in “Explicitation Interviews” that happened to be her missing tool to follow and support the dancers’ experience verbalization. She’s an active member of GREX (, Explicitation research group created by Pierre Vermersch. Finally, her degree in «Medicine, Meditation and Neurosciences» (Strasbourg University) completes her practical and theoretical knowledge about attention – within meditative practices, for instance
Set designer and danseur, Cléo Laigret is currently conducting researches about continuity /discontinuity in the movement. His experience in performance was born in contact improvisation and Butoh dance as well as in contemporary art, and then grows with regular laboratories and in situ performances. He trained with Nita Little, Gyohei Zaitsu, Stephanie Auberville, Yumi Fujitani, Daniel Lepkov, Adrian Russi, Jules Beckman among others. He participates in collaborative projects with Gyohei Zaitsu, Zack Bernstein, Didier Silhol… He teaches in regular classes in Paris as well as in worshops for international festivals (Freiburg, Grenoble, Italy contact festival…). He often teaches in partnership with local or international teachers.
Gerry Quévreux is a dancer, choreographer and actor. After working few years as engineer, he definitely switched to the artistic field. He is currently working with many artistic companies such as La Césure, Tangible, Le Retour d’Ulysse and Mangano-Massip to explore a wide range of art : dance, in-situ dance project, theater, physical theater and mime. He is also involved as a choreographer for his projects and for other artists.
He has discovered contact-improvisation in 2010 and has been organising during 5 years the Paris Contact Improvisation Gathering, Jam à la Ferme. Teaches from time to time at Canaldanse, Studio Keller.
He lives contact improvisation as an endless research practice and also as a very efficient tool for the « how to create ».
Céline Robineau co-founded L’Oeil et la Main 5 years ago. She organizes event, practices and learn from many others she works with. She gives regular CI classes and workshops. Looking for other supports, Céline learnt the Life Art Process®, an approach for exploration and consciousness via movement and artistic expression, in Tamalpa Institute, California ( She assisted Anna Halprin (its founder) in classes and workshops. She discovers the resonances between movement, drawing, painting and writing: how words come from a body experience, thanks to a multimodal artistic approach. Céline guides workshops and courses in which danced movements, poetry, painting, and drawing combine like reflections of one another.
Marie Rousseaux practices CI teaches, performs, organizes classes, workshops and labs. Her main research now is related to her practice of Rolfing® Structural Integration, a somatic practice and therapy which main focus is relation to gravity. She conceives Contact Improvisation as a laboratory where to observe as closely as possible the physical, metaphysical and emotional aspects of being in relation.
Justine Wojtyniak
Housing possibilities within a close range of the studio:
– Contact through :
– Camping Les Alizés,, Phone: 0033 2 96 47 28 58
– Camping de Beg Léguer,, Phone: 0033 2 96 47 25 00
– Camping Armor Loisirs :, Phone: 0033 2 96 23 52 31
– Camping de Kerdual, Brigitte HOSTIOU, Phone: 0033 6 24 32 37 37 ou 0033 6 83 11 67 49.