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Barbara Berti – 9/10 mars 2019


en Contact improvisation

Un stage de deux jours avec Barbara Berti – 9 et 10 mars 2019 (english below)


« Je travaille avec différents outils provenant d’une méthode que j’ai développée, « La chorégraphie de la pensée », à la fois langage chorégraphique et travail de recherche. Cette méthode permet de traverser différents états de conscience et d’éveiller l’attention aux espaces internes, externes et aux espaces d’entre deux, en en questionnant leurs limites et leur communication.

Dans ce stage, nous nous focaliserons sur un des éléments de cette méthode : le regard. Il sera à la fois instrument d’investigation et de transformation.
Nous explorerons plus précisément les éléments suivants :
– Comment utilisons-nous notre regard en contact improvisation ?
– Comment affecte-t-il notre physicalité, notre rapport à l’espace, à nos partenaires, ainsi que notre capacité à faire des choix ?
– Comment les yeux fonctionnent-ils ? »


Infos pratiques
Quand? le samedi 9 mars 13h30-18h et dimanche 10 mars 10h-12h / 13h-18h

(Le stage est pensé comme une continuité sur le week-end: il n’est pas possible de ne participer qu’à une seule journée)

Où? Salle polyvalente (samedi et dimanche) et salle de danse (dimanche) de la Cour des Lions, 9 rue Alphonse Baudin 75011 Paris

Combien? 120€ le week-end

Renseignements et inscriptions à etlamain@gmail.com
(Le stage sera en français et en anglais.)


—————————————–english below


in Contact improvisation


A two days workshop with Barbara Berti – 9-10th March 2019


I work with some materials, coming from « Choreography of thinking« , the method which I develop as a research and a choreographic language. This method guides throughout different states of mind and opens the awareness between the inner, outer and middle space, and questions their communication and borders.
The aim of the workshop is focused on one element of the method : the eyes, as instruments of investigation and transformation. In the class we will investigate:

– How do we use our gaze in contact improvisation and dance?
– How do our eyes work?
– How do they affect our physicality and our attention in the partner, towards decisions making and the space.


Barbara Berti

Born and raised in Bologna, Italy, Barbara Berti bases herself in Berlin.
Choreographer, dancer, researcher in dance. Teacher in dance, somatic works, contact improvisation, istant composition. In 2015 and 2016 mentor for students in Hzt-University Berlin.
She works on her own choreographic projects and collaborates with dance and theatre artists in performance art work through Western Europe: Judith Seng, Tino Seghal, Isabelle Schad, Gabi Schilling.
She rooted her career in graphic design, physical theatre, dance and meditation; continued studying different techniques in contemporary dance, contact improvisation, Somatic works and healing.
She practices contact improvisation since 10 years and leads two contact jams in Berlin, Sunjam (Every Sunday) and MonJam (Every Monday).
In her choreographic works, she is interested in issues of kinesthetic empathy and the embodied transmission of physical experience in the interaction with the audience.
In September 2017 participation to the prize Gd’a – Teatri di Reggio Emilia,
2017 Winner in ex-quo of the Premio Scenario with ‘Bau #2’ – From the series ‘Choreography of thinking’.  Since 2016 is an artist supported by Tir danza (IT)



Practical infos

When ? saturday, the 9th of march 1:30-6:00 PM, Sunday 10th of march 10:00-12:00 AM, 1:00- 6:00PM

(the workshop is a process, we unfortunately won’t be able to welcome you only for one day)

Where ?Salle polyvalente de la Cour des Lions, 9 rue Alphonse Baudin 75011 Paris

How much ? 120€ the week-end

Infos and registrations at etlamain@gmail.com. English and french workshop (http://lolm.eu/barbara-berti/)