Ralf Jaroschinski est de retour à Paris pour un nouveau stage de Contact Improvisation. Vous avez peut-être eu la chance de découvrir son univers déjà. Sinon, voici une nouvelle occasion de le rencontrer.
Degrés d’improvisation
Dans ce stage, nous allons diriger notre attention sur le moment présent et aux opportunités qu’il nous présente.
Informations pratiques
Samedi & Dimanche 14h30 – 18h30
Tarifs : 50€ stage complet ou 28€ 1 journée.
Réservation conseillée ateliers.lolm@gmail.com
About Ralf
Ralf Jaroschinski was born in Southern Germany and grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He graduated as a classical and modern dancer from the University of Music and Theater in Hannover, Germany, and then studied several contemporary dance and composition techniques in New York City (USA) on a stipend from the German Academic Exchange Service. There, he discovered contact improvisation for himself in 1994 while working together with Roberto Galván, Daniel Lepkoff, Alito Alessi, and later Martin Keogh and Nancy Stark Smith. From 1998 until 2002, Jaroschinski directed the dance company of the City Theater of Hildesheim, Germany, and included contact improvisation as part of the dancers’ training and the creation of his works. Thereafter, he got commissioned to create choreographies for the German National Ballets of Hannover, Karlsruhe and Munich a. o. – so far, he has created more than 90 dance pieces which have been seen in Europe, Asia and the Americas.
He performed contact improvisation in scores designed by Brandin Steffensen (New York City) and Scott Wells (San Francisco), and in cooperation with Rosemary Hannon, Sean Michael Feit, and Andrew Wass among others, he produced several dance concerts based entirely on contact improvisation in San Francisco and Germany.
Facilitating contact improvisation classes and workshops more regularly since 2004, Jaroschinski has taught numerous times at festivals such as the « West Coast Contact Improvisation Festival (WCCIF) » in Berkeley, « Festival Internacional de Danza de Trujillo », Peru, « Encontro internacional de contato improvisação São Paulo (EICI) » and « Contact in Rio » in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, « Touch & Play » in Cardona, Spain, and « Israeli Contact Improvisation Festival (ICIF) » in Israel. On those occasions, he performed together with Nita Little, Ray Chung, Benno Voorham, Felix Ruckert, Mirva Mäkinen, Brenton Cheng, Tim O’Donnell, Lior Ophir, Fernanda Carvalho Leite, and Vitali Khononov among many others. He has taught contact improvisation at various dance studios and schools in the USA, Columbia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Israel, as well as at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR) and the Faculty of the Arts (FAP) in Curitiba, Brazil, at the Universities of Lima, Peru, and Tübingen, Germany, and at the Dans och Circushögskolan (DOCH) in Stockholm, Sweden. He worked together with the Centro Cultural Brasil Alemanha (CCBA) in Recife, Brazil, and the « Goethe-Institut Lima » in Peru. And he also trained the dancers of the Brazilian Curitiba Guaíra Ballet, the « Ballet San Marcos » in Lima, the Swedish « GöteborgsOperans Danskompani », and the « Cullberg Baletten » in Stockholm, Sweden, in contact improvisation.