practices of sequencing and diffraction
du 25 au 29 octobre 2021, 10h-17h
Ce stage-labo se déroulera sous deux modalités qui se répondront : Kira Kirsch partagera sa longue expérience du contact improvisation et de l’Axis Syllabus, lors de cours. Catherine Kych et Céline Robineau faciliteront des temps de laboratoires, pensés comme des occasions de questionner, s’approprier et articuler les expériences vécues lors des cours.
Afin d’être à l’aise avec le travail proposé, il est plutôt recommandé d’être à l’aise avec les transferts et le partage de poids, les portés, l’espace arrière, les appuis sur les bras, ainsi que la dynamique.
lundi 25 octobre |
mardi 26 octobre |
mer 27 octobre |
jeudi 28 octobre |
ven 29 octobre |
10:00-12:30 |
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14:00-17:00 |
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“Reading insights through one another diffractively is about experimenting with different patterns of re-lationality, opening things up, turning them over and over again, to see how the patterns shift. This is not about solving paradoxes or synthesizing different points of view from the outside, as it were, but rather about the material intra-implication of putting “oneself” at risk, troubling “oneself,” one’s ideas, one’s dreams, all the different ways of touching and being in touch, and sensing the differences and entanglements from within.” (Karen Barad – feminist scholar, physicist and philosopher)
What are the possible benefits to move and think the body in parts?
Sequencing our parts or physical masses allows for less inertial resistance and promotes tonal changes in neuromuscular activity. It permits slowing down yet keeping a sense of dynamics. It stretches soft tissues gently and enables elastic energy return. Sequential movement can gradually and tenderly open doors towards individual, contextual flexibility and attune the perception of dynamic processes. In this week we will dialogue with sequencing and make diffraction experiments that put us into a colorful spectrum of investigation points that involve mechanical and gravitational forces, feminist sciences, movement research and contact improvisation to go further into sensing the differences and entanglements from within (Barad).
Diffraction from lat.diffrare (break into pieces): light moving into different directions —> rainbow pattern
Diffraction describes the phenomenon of a wave hitting an obstacle.
Nous y questionnerons nos expériences traversées lors du stage, les déplierons, les articulerons les unes avec les autres. Nous leurs laisserons le temps de porter leurs fruits et de s’intégrer à nos paysages intérieurs personnels et collectifs. Ce travail de laboratoire sera facilité par Céline Robineau et Catherine Kych. Elles se chargeront de créer un espace de co-recherche confortable, stimulant et créatif. Chacun pourra y faire son propre chemin, suivre celui d’un autre, en inventer un nouveau ensemble ou encore prendre le temps de contempler le paysage du moment…
Adresse: Carreau du Temple 4 rue Eugène Spüller 75004 Paris – Dojo du pou volant
Horaires: 10h-12h30 / 14h-17h
- 280€ tarif normal
- 260€ tarif réduit (pour les personnes ayant un quotien familial inférieur à 900€)
- 300€ tarif pour tous après le 12 septembre 2021 et sur place
+ adhésion à l’association « L’œil et la main » ici
Conditions d’annulation : Dans le cas d’une annulation de votre part jusqu’au 25 septembre 2021, la moitié du montant versé vous sera remboursé. Dans le cas d’une annulation de votre part après le 25 septembre 2021, nous n’effectuerons plus de remboursement. Une exception : en cas d’annulation de votre part ou de notre part pour raisons liées à la pandémie de covid, l’intégralité du montant du stage vous sera reversée, sauf les 20€ de frais d’inscription, qui resteront acquis à l’association.
Kira Kirsch is a movement enthusiast, teacher, dancer, researcher, community organizer, mother and passionate initiator/curator living in Berlin part of Lake Studios, an artist-run dance, research, production and living space.
She is deeply invested into creating and shaping spaces for people to experience,learn about and sensitize their mind-body-movement continuum. She has pioneered, taught and continuously researched through the lens of the Axis Syllabus (AS) for almost two decades, is a co-organiser of the Nomadic College at Earthdance, leads teacher laboratories and has build a community for AS research in the Bay Area, California from 2006 – 2012.
In 2014 she started co-curating a new annual dance festival called “SENSING IN” and is establishing a regular educational program under the name of Movement Artisans together with Antoine Ragot at Lake Studios/Berlin.
She currently has a lectureship at the HZT University of Arts in Berlin and is invited to festivals and institutions such as Impulstanz/Austria, Ravnedans/Norway, TQW-Vienna or the Goa Contact Festival among many other as well as private initiatives of the grass root type.
As a performer Kira has danced in the works of Sara Shelton Mann (US), David Szlasa (US), Avy K. Productions (RU), Christine Bonansea (US/FR), Half Machine (DK), ABCdance collective/Frey Faust, Cie. Anna Tenta (AT) and in numerous collaborations with her peers. From 2009 -2012 she collaborated with Montrealer Kelly Keenan and their creations « species – a moving body exposition » and « useless creatures » have been presented in the US, Canada and Austria.
Current projects are the establishment of the CoLaboratory Berlin, a research initiative for somatic communication (ISSC-Institute for the Study of Somatic Communication), hands-on intra-actions, her garden and nursing the new family member.
Catherine Kych danse depuis plus de trente ans. La danse classique est son fil conducteur, mais à la recherche d’espaces de liberté, de jeu et de partage, elle a plongé en 2007 dans le contact improvisation. Elle s’est enthousiasmée pour cette pratique non‐normative qui offrait la possibilité de rencontrer, d’abord par le toucher et le mouvement – puis par les mots – des « autres », et de construire et déconstruire avec eux le monde.
Chemin faisant, elle s’est dotée de différents outils pour approfondir ses pratiques de danse et d’accompagnement : une formation de « Danse et Thérapie du mouvement » (avec notamment les outils de la CNV et de la pédagogie perceptive de Danis Bois), le D.U. « Danse et éducation somatique » de Paris VIII, une formation en Entretien d’Explicitation qui s’est trouvé être l’outil qui lui manquait pour accompagner la mise en mots de l’expérience des danseurs. Depuis elle est un membre actif du GREX (, groupe de recherche sur l’explicitation fondé par Pierre Vermersch. Le D.U. « Médecine, méditation et neurosciences » de Strasbourg est venu plus récemment compléter ses connaissances pratiques et théoriques sur l’attention – notamment dans les pratiques méditatives. Et enfin tout dernièrement, Catherine s’est formée en hypnose ericksonienne pour tenter de mieux comprendre les liens entre imagination, perception, langage et relation, et la manière dont ils influencent les mécanismes de création, d’apprentissage et de changement.
Le Contact Improvisation a plongé Céline Robineau dans l’univers des pratiques somatiques, de la gestion du poids, de la gravité et de l’attention ! Elle co-organise depuis 2015 le RICI, premier festival de Contact-Improvisation à Paris. Formée en Life Art Process® aux Etats-Unis, Céline anime des ateliers et stages de groupe où se mêlent mouvement dansé, poésie, peinture, dessin comme des reflets les uns des autres. Le life art process est un puissant outil de transformation qui permet d’explorer et d’inter-relier les 3 niveaux de conscience (physique, émotionnel et mental/imaginaire) et ainsi de déployer nos potentiels créatifs au quotidien. En parallèle, Céline mène différents projets de création chorégraphique en lien avec des thématiques telles que le « geste d’amour en espace public » ou la « communication interespèces » avec des cétacés.
L’eau représente pour Céline un espace/lieu de recherche privilégié qu’elle explore depuis plusieurs années avec différentes collectifs, en solo et aussi avec des groupes lors de week-end pour partager sa passion de la danse dans l’eau.
practices of sequencing and diffraction
Schedule : 10am-12:30am – 2-5 pm
Address: Carreau du Temple 4 rue Eugène Spüller 75004 Paris – Dojo du pou volant
Registrations :
Prices :
- 280€ normal rate, 260€ reduced fee
- After 30th of juin 2021 til the workshop : 300€
- + annual fee
This workshop – lab will occure in 2 sequences. Kira Kirsch will share with us her long experience of contact improvisation and Axis Syllabus during classes. This will feed our lab work which will be animated by Céline Robineau and Catherine Kych.
Monday 25th oct | Tuesday 26th oct | Wed 27th oct | Thursday 28th oct | Friday 29th oct | |
10:00-12:30 |
class |
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14:00-17:00 |
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“Reading insights through one another diffractively is about experimenting with different patterns of re-lationality, opening things up, turning them over and over again, to see how the patterns shift. This is not about solving paradoxes or synthesizing different points of view from the outside, as it were, but rather about the material intra-implication of putting “oneself” at risk, troubling “oneself,” one’s ideas, one’s dreams, all the different ways of touching and being in touch, and sensing the differences and entanglements from within.” (Karen Barad – feminist scholar, physicist and philosopher)
What are the possible benefits to move and think the body in parts?
Sequencing our parts or physical masses allows for less inertial resistance and promotes tonal changes in neuromuscular activity. It permits slowing down yet keeping a sense of dynamics. It stretches soft tissues gently and enables elastic energy return. Sequential movement can gradually and tenderly open doors towards individual, contextual flexibility and attune the perception of dynamic processes. In this week we will dialogue with sequencing and make diffraction experiments that put us into a colorful spectrum of investigation points that involve mechanical and gravitational forces, feminist sciences, movement research and contact improvisation to go further into sensing the differences and entanglements from within (Barad).
Diffraction from lat.diffrare (break into pieces): light moving into different directions —> rainbow pattern
Diffraction describes the phenomenon of a wave hitting an obstacle.
LABS : The lab time will offer opportunity to research, to reflect and speak about our own experience, hear and share with other points of view, go deeper with exercices, concepts, notions that feels important. Facilitation will be provided by Céline Robineau and Catherine Kych as a way of allowing a process to be lived and developed within the group.
Kira Kirsch is a movement enthusiast, teacher, dancer, researcher, community organizer, mother and passionate initiator/curator living in Berlin part of Lake Studios, an artist-run dance, research, production and living space.
She is deeply invested into creating and shaping spaces for people to experience,learn about and sensitize their mind-body-movement continuum. She has pioneered, taught and continuously researched through the lens of the Axis Syllabus (AS) for almost two decades, is a co-organiser of the Nomadic College at Earthdance, leads teacher laboratories and has build a community for AS research in the Bay Area, California from 2006 – 2012.
In 2014 she started co-curating a new annual dance festival called “SENSING IN” and is establishing a regular educational program under the name of Movement Artisans together with Antoine Ragot at Lake Studios/Berlin.
She currently has a lectureship at the HZT University of Arts in Berlin and is invited to festivals and institutions such as Impulstanz/Austria, Ravnedans/Norway, TQW-Vienna or the Goa Contact Festival among many other as well as private initiatives of the grass root type.
As a performer Kira has danced in the works of Sara Shelton Mann (US), David Szlasa (US), Avy K. Productions (RU), Christine Bonansea (US/FR), Half Machine (DK), ABCdance collective/Frey Faust, Cie. Anna Tenta (AT) and in numerous collaborations with her peers. From 2009 -2012 she collaborated with Montrealer Kelly Keenan and their creations « species – a moving body exposition » and « useless creatures » have been presented in the US, Canada and Austria.
Current projects are the establishment of the CoLaboratory Berlin, a research initiative for somatic communication (ISSC-Institute for the Study of Somatic Communication), hands-on intra-actions, her garden and nursing the new family member.
Catherine Kych has been dancing for nearly thirty years now. Ballet ‘s been her common thread but, always seeking more freedom spaces to share and play with, she dove into Contact Improvisation in 2007. She got thrilled about this non-normative practice that offers opportunities to meet – first via the touch and movement, then with words – “Others”, and construct as well as deconstruct together the World. Little by little, she got a grasp of different tools to deepen her experiences in both Dancing and Coaching/Supporting: trained in «Dance and Movement Therapy» (including tools of Nonviolent Communication and Perceptive Pedagogy from Danis Bois), qualified in « Dance and Somatic Education » Paris VIII University and trained in “Explicitation Interviews” that happened to be her missing tool to follow and support the dancers’ experience verbalization. She’s an active member of GREX (, Explicitation research group created by Pierre Vermersch. Finally, her degree in «Medicine, Meditation and Neurosciences» (Strasbourg University) completes her practical and theoretical knowledge about attention – within meditative practices, for instance.
Everything began with Contact Improvisation, progressively pulling Céline Robineau out of the corporate world and project managing to immerse her into the Somatics universe, and weight, gravity, attention managing! She carries on with her researches in Improvisation and Somatics. Soto G. Hoffman is one of her mentors; she took his training « Somatics, Performance and the creative Process ». Looking for more supports relating to movement, Céline learns the Life Art Process®, which is an approach for exploration and consciousness via movement and artistic expression, in Tamalpa Institute, California (, where she assists Anna Halprin (its founder) in classes and workshops. She discovers the resonances between movement, drawing, painting and writing: how words can come from a body experience, thanks to a multimodal artistic approach. Céline guides workshops and courses in which danced movements, poetry, painting, and drawing combine like reflections of one another. Concurrently, Céline leads different choreographic projects linked to specific topics such as « Love Gestures in the Public Space » and « Interspecies Communication » with cetaceans.
Catherine Kych and Céline Robineau belong to the founding members of the association « L’œil et la main », developing various CI projects in Paris: RiCI (International Encounters of Contact Improvisation), workshops, conferences‐jams, laboratories (« Contact and Contemplation ») and practices of contemplative dance.